We are all having a hard time getting reviews, and in all fairness it is understandable. The reviewers are hard at work. There are a record number of books to be reviewed and people can only read so fast and give an accurate and good review. I know - I've been there. So in the light of that, we must be patient and when they can get to them I have faith they will. It isn't easy - really it isn't even if you are an avid read who can read two a week then do the review. Just remember what book reports were like in school and then compaire that to now and wanting to do a fair and professional report. But sales are a kind of review too. And the sales on Casino - Star Shine have been doing well. It's been on Whiskey Creek Press' top ten for three weeks and its been out for four. In that time its stayed between 5-8 and only dropped once to a 10 for a short one day time. So If you haven't read this intriguing, erotica romance, you should. It has a varried number of sex scenes with some different types of heat levels and subplots being hatched beneath it all. Check it out at www.sqpens.com/CASINO-StarShine.html or just the entire site at http://www.sqpens.com/ by doing that you'll also get a peek at the next ones coming and they are due out soon. Troy - Lovers Lost In The Mist a really tricky, erotic time SLIP and my first contemporary Mistress Says Faster - its humorus and has some BD/SM waiting in it for the bad boys who try to steal Mistress Glenda's new Harley Davidsons. Bad Bad Boys - What'ya go'n do-
When you fall in love with one?
Hope you get to take a peek at the site
Sutlry Summers
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