I always enjoy announcing the release date of my next book - Trojan Gold will be released by Whiskey Creek Press in Jan. 2010. Not so far away. For those who didn't get to read it when it was briefly out several years ago - before Venus Press "Crashed" Don't miss it this time. It received wonderful reviews then and I'm sure it will again. I'll be adding a new page in a day or so to the MYTHOLOGY section of my web site dealing with the myths around the story. This will be the second one in the hopefully several more stories I've have brewing that deal with mythology. Right now, I'm stuck on the Greek gods and goddess. Troy - Lovers In The Mists was the first out. This is a time travel book and one you shouldn't miss. Those who have read it have really enjoyed it. Check out my web site for detailshttp://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnNxcGVucy5jb20vVHJveS1Mb3ZlcnNJblRoZU1pc3RzLmh0bWw= - While you are there link over and read the myth that connects to the story. AND check out my latest and first contemporary MISTRESS SAYS FASTER.
BE SURE !!!!! Not to miss next month's release of my first Torrid Teaser Vol. #63 the two stories in the antholoy are titled Ride ON! and Heartbreaker! Both stories are about motorcycle riders, love and sex. Ride On is about bike hijackers and one is a little something - different. Heartbreaker - love, sex and two people in love - despite their money. Short, soul touching reads that will tug at your heart strings and something a little more.
Sultry Summers
BE SURE !!!!! Not to miss next month's release of my first Torrid Teaser Vol. #63 the two stories in the antholoy are titled Ride ON! and Heartbreaker! Both stories are about motorcycle riders, love and sex. Ride On is about bike hijackers and one is a little something - different. Heartbreaker - love, sex and two people in love - despite their money. Short, soul touching reads that will tug at your heart strings and something a little more.
Sultry Summers
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